Peter Murphy is a writer, spoken-word performer, musician, actor and journalist from Wexford, Ireland. The recipient of numerous Arts Council grants, Peter has been nominated for various literary awards, including the Costa, the Kerry Group Fiction Prize and the IMPAC. His band, Cursed Murphy Versus the Resistance, released their eponymous first album in 2020, with a follow-up, The Republic of the Weird in 2022.
Mae Peter Murphy yn awdur, perfformiwr llafar, cerddor, actor a newyddiadurwr o Wexford yn Iwerddon. Mae Peter wedi cael nifer o grantiau gan Gyngor y Celfyddydau, ac mae wedi cael ei enwebu am amryw o wobrau llenyddol, gan gynnwys y Costa, Gwobr Ffuglen Grŵp Kerry a'r IMPAC. Rhyddhaodd ei fand, Cursed Murphy Versus the Resistance, eu halbwm cyntaf o'r un enw yn 2020, gyda dilyniant, The Republic of the Weird yn 2022.
‘We have always been your Harbour’ is a 25-minute play for voices, written and produced by Wexford writer and performer Peter Murphy, recorded, scored and co-produced by Rosslare native Dan Comerford. The piece was initially conceived as a response and homage to Dylan Thomas’s 1954 radio play Under Milk Wood, relocated to present-day Rosslare Harbour. It takes the form of a series of monologues by unnamed voices, drawing on the history, folklore and landscape of the area, as well as interviews with Rosslare residents, including ferry crew, port workers, local historians, writers and photographers. The piece is impressionistic rather than narrative driven, a chorus of ghosts, underscored by original music and foley sounds recorded by Dan Comerford in the region of the port.
Mae 'We have always been your harbour' yn ddrama 25 munud i leisiau, wedi'i hysgrifennu a'i chynhyrchu gan yr awdur a'r perfformiwr o Wexford, Peter Murphy, ac wedi'i recordio, wedi’i sgorio ac wedi'i chyd-gynhyrchu gan Dan Comerford, brodor o Rosslare. Lluniwyd y darn i ddechrau fel ymateb a gwrogaeth i ddrama radio Dylan Thomas yn 1954, Under Milk Wood, wedi’i hadleoli i harbwr Rosslare heddiw. Mae ar ffurf cyfres o fonologau gan leisiau dienw, ac yn tynnu ar hanes, llên gwerin a thirwedd yr ardal, yn ogystal â chyfweliadau â thrigolion Rosslare, gan gynnwys criw fferi, gweithwyr porthladd, haneswyr, awduron a ffotograffwyr lleol. Mae'r darn yn argraffiadol yn hytrach na chael ei yrru gan naratif, yn gorws o ysbrydion, gyda cherddoriaeth wreiddiol a seiniau foley wedi’u recordio gan Dan Comerford yn ardal y porthladd.
Peter is the author of two novels, John the Revelator (2009) and Shall We Gather at the River (2013), published by Faber & Faber in Ireland and the UK, and by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in the US and Canada. He has also published numerous short stories in various anthologies. Peter’s journalism and non-fiction has appeared in Rolling Stone, The Guardian, the Irish Times, Hot Press and Huffington Post. Besides his work with Cursed Murphy he has released two spoken word/music albums with the Revelator Orchestra, The Sounds of John the Revelator and The Brotherhood of the Flood.
Mae Peter yn awdur dwy nofel, John the Revelator (2009) a Shall We Gather at the River (2013), a gyhoeddwyd gan Faber & Faber yn Iwerddon a'r Deyrnas Unedig, a chan Houghton Mifflin Harcourt yn yr Unol Daleithiau a Chanada. Mae hefyd wedi cyhoeddi nifer o straeon byrion mewn amryw o flodeugerddi. Mae newyddiaduraeth a gwaith ffeithiol Peter wedi ymddangos yn Rolling Stone, The Guardian, the Irish Times, Hot Press a’r Huffington Post. Yn ychwanegol at ei waith gyda Cursed Murphy mae wedi rhyddhau dau albwm gair llafar/cerddoriaeth gyda Cherddorfa Revelator, The Sounds of John the Revelator a The Brotherhood of the Flood.